Technical program
Keynote: Topics of Active Research in Reinforcement Learning Relevant to Spoken Dialog Systems
Pascal Poupart
Comparing Real-Real, Simulated-Simulated, and Simulated-Real Spoken Dialogue Corpora
Hua Ai and Diane Litman
Efficient Planning and Tracking in POMDPs with Large Observation Spaces
Amin Atrash and Joelle Pineau
A "k hypotheses + other" Belief Updating Model
Dan Bohus and Alex Rudnicky
Learning Decision Models in Spoken Dialogue Systems Via User Simulation
Ed Filisko and Stephanie Seneff
Managing Unseen Situations in a Stochastic Dialog Model
David Griol, Lluis F. Hurtado, Encarna Segarra, and Emilio Sanchis
Dialogue Strategy Optimization with Reinforcement Learning in an AT&T Call Routing Application
Charles Lewis and Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio
Scaling POMDPs for Dialogue Management with Composite Summary Point-Based Value Iteration (CSPBVI)
Jason D. Williams and Steve Young
Modeling the Dative Alternation With Automatically Extracted Features
Huayan Zhong, Amanda Stent, and Mary Swift