Terms and definitions of ICD-9 codes used in QAMC web pages

Terms and definitions of ICD-9 codes used in QAMC web pages

These codes and their definitions were extracted from the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1975.

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278 Obesity and other hyperalimentation

Excludes: hyperalimentation NOS (783.6), poisoning by vitamin preparations (963.5).

278.0 Obesity

Excludes: adiposigenital dystrophy (253.8), obesity of endocrine origin NOS (259.9)

278.1 Localized adiposity

Fat pad

278.2 Hypervitaminosis A

278.3 Hypercarotinaemia

278.4 Hypervitaminosis D

278.8 Other

Other disorders of female genital tract (617-629)

625 Pain and other symptoms associated with female genital organs

625.0 Dyspareunia

Excludes: when associated with frigidity (302.7)

625.1 Vaginismus

Excludes: psychogenic vaginismus (306.5)

625.2 Mittelschmerz

625.3 Dysmenorrhoea

Excludes: psychogenic dysmenorrhoea (306.5)

625.4 Premenstrual tension syndromes

Menstrual migraine

625.5 Pelvic congestion syndrome

625.6 Stress incontinence, female

625.8 Other

625.9 Unspecified

Complications mainly related to pregnancy (640-648)

Includes: the listed conditions even if they arose or were present during labour, delivery or the puerperium

640 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy

Includes: haemorrhage before completion of 22 weeks' gestation

640.0 Threatened abortion

640.8 Other

640.9 Unspecified

641 Antepartum haemorrhage, abruptio placentae, and placenta praevia

641.0 Placenta praevia without haemorrhage

Low implantation of placenta without haemorrhage
Placenta praevia noted: during pregnancy; before labour and delivered by casearean section; without mention of haemorrhage

641.1 Haemorrhage from placenta praevia

Low-lying placenta
Placenta praevia: marginal; partial; total
- (these conditions NOS or with haemorrhage (intrapartum))
Excludes: haemorrhage from vasa praevia (666.5)

641.2 Premature separation of placenta

Ablatio placentae. Abruptio placentae. Accidental antepartum haemorrhage. Premature separation of normally implanted placenta

641.3 Antepartum haemorrhage associated with coagulation defects

Antepartum or intrapartum haemorrhage associated with: afibrinogenaemia; hypofibrinogenaemia; hyperfibrinogenaemia

641.8 Other antepartum haemorrhage

Antepartum or intrapartum haemorrhage associated with: trauma; uterine leiomyoma

641.9 Unspecified antepartum haemorrhage

Haemorrhage: antepartum NOS; intrapartum NOS; of pregnancy NOS

642 Hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

642.0 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Hypertension: benign essential; chronic NOS; essential; pre-existing NOS
- specified as complicating, or as a reason for obstetric care during pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium

642.1 Hypertension secondary to renal disease, complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Hypertension secondary to renal disease, specified as complicating, or as a reason for obstetric care during pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium

642.2 Other pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Malignant hypertension. Hypertensive: heart disease; heart and renal disease; renal disease
- specified as complicating, or as a reason for obstetric care during pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium

642.3 Transient hypertension of pregnancy

Transient hypertension, so described, in pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium

642.4 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia

Hypertension in pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, not specified as pre-existing, with either albuminuria or oedema, or both; mild or unspecified
Pre-eclampsia: NOS; mild
Excludes : albuminuria in pregnancy without mention of hypertension (646.2)
Excludes: oedema in pregnancy without mention of hypertension (646.1)

642.5 Severe pre-eclampsia

Hypertension in pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, not specified as pre-existing, with either albuminuria or oedema, or both; specified as severe
Pre-eclampsia, severe
Toxaemia (pre-eclamptic), severe

642.6 Eclampsia

Toxaemia: eclamptic; with convulsions

642.7 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia superimposed on pre-existing hypertension

Conditions in 642.4-642.6, with conditions in 642.0-642.2

642.9 Unspecified hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Hypertension NOS, without mention of albuminuria or oedema, complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium

643 Excessive vomiting in pregnancy

643.0 Mild hyperemesis gravidarum

Hyperemesis gravidarum, mild or unspecified, starting before the end of the 22nd week

643.1 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance

Hyperemesis gravidarum, starting before the end of the 22nd week, with metabolic disturbance such as: carbohydrate depletion; dehydration; electrolyte imbalance.

643.2 Late vomiting of pregnancy

Excessive vomiting after 22 completed weeks of pregnancy

643.8 Other vomiting complicating pregnancy

Vomiting due to organic disease or other cause, specified as complicating pregnancy or as a reason for obstetric case during pregnancy
Use additional code , if desired, to identify cause

643.9 Unspecified vomiting of pregnancy

Vomiting as a reason for care during pregnancy, length of gestation unspecified

644 Early or threatened labour

644.0 Threatened labour

644.1 Early onset of delivery

645 Prolonged pregnancy

Post-dates; post-term

646 Other complications of pregnancy, not elsewhere classified

646.0 Papyraceous fetus

646.1 Oedema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy, without mention of hypertension

Gestational oedema
Excludes: with mention of hypertension (642.-)

646.2 Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy, without mention of hypertension

Albuminuria; nephropathy NOS; renal disease NOS
-in pregnancy, without mention of hypertension
Gestational proteinuria
Excludes: with mention of hypertension (642._)

646.3 Habitual aborter

Excludes: with current abortion (634.-)
Excludes: without current pregnancy (629.9)

646.4 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy

646.5 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy

646.6 Infection of genitourinary tract in pregnancy

Conditions in 590, 595, 597, 599.0, 614-616 complicating pregnancy or labour
Excludes: major puerperal infection (670)

646.7 Liver disorders in pregnancy

Excludes: hepatorenal syndrome following delivery (674.8)

646.8 Other specified complications of pregnancy

Fatigue during pregnancy; Herpes gestationis

646.9 Unspecified complication of pregnancy

647 Infective and parasitic condition in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Includes: the listed conditions when complicating the pregnant state, aggravated by the pregnancy, or when a main reason for obstetric care
Excludes: when the reason for the mother's medical care is that the condition is known or suspected to have effected the fetus (655.-)

647.0 Syphilis

Conditions in 090-097

647.1 Gonorrhoea

Conditions in 098

647.2 Other venereal diseases

Conditions in 099

647.3 Tuberculosis

Conditions in 010-018

647.4 Malaria

Conditions in 084

647.5 Rubella

Conditions in 056

647.6 Other viral diseases

Conditions in 050-079, except 056

647.8 Other specified infective and parasitic diseases

647.9 Unspecified infection or infestation

648 Other current conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Includes: the listed conditions when complicating the pregnant state, aggravated by the pregnancy, or when a main reason for obstetric care

Excludes: when the reason for the mother's medical care is that the condition is known or suspected to have effected the fetus (655.-)

648.0 Diabetes mellitus

Conditions in 250

648.1 Thyroid dysfunction

Conditions in 240-246

648.2 Anaemia

Conditions in 280-285

648.3 Drug dependence

Conditions in 304._

648.4 Mental disorders

Condition in 290-303, 305-316, 317-319

648.5 Congenital cardiovascular disorders

Conditions in 745-747

648.6 Other cardiovascular diseases

Conditions in 390-398, 410-459
Excludes: cerebral haemorrhage in the puerperium (674.0)
Excludes: venous complications (671.-)

648.7 Bone and joint disorders of back, pelvis and lower limbs

Condition in 720-724 and those classifiable to 711-719 or 725-738 specified as affecting the lower limbs

648.8 Abnormal glucose tolerance

Conditions in 790.2

648.9 Other

Nutritional deficiencies (conditions in 260-269)

Normal delivery, and other indications for care in pregnancy, labour and delivery (650-659)

650 Delivery in a completely normal case

Delivery without abnormality or complication elsewhere in categories 630-676, and with spontaneous cephalic delivery, without mention of manipulation and instrumentation

Excludes: delivery by vacuum extractor, forceps, caesarean section or breech extraction, without specified complication (669.5-669.7)
Excludes: breech delivery (assisted) (spontaneous) NOS (652.2)

651 Multiple gestation

651.0 Twin pregnancy

651.1 Triplet pregnancy

651.2 Quadruplet pregnancy

651.8 Other

651.9 Unspecified

652 Malposition and malpresentation of fetus

Excludes: with obstructed labour (660.0)

652.0 Unstable lie

652.1 Breech or other malpresentation successfully converted to cephalic presentation

Cephalic version NOS

652.2 Breech presentation without mention of version

652.3 Transverse or oblique presentation

Oblique lie; transverse lie

652.4 Face or brow presentation

Mentum presentation

652.5 High head at term

Failure of head to enter pelvic brim

652.6 Multiple gestation with malpresentation of one fetus or more

652.7 Prolapsed arm

652.8 Other

652.9 Unspecified

653 Disproportion

Excludes: with obstructed labour (660.1)

653.0 Major abnormality of bony pelvis, not further specified

Pelvic deformity NOS

653.1 Generally contracted pelvis

Contracted pelvis NOS

653.2 Inlet contraction of pelvis

Inlet contraction (pelvis)

653.3 Outlet contraction of pelvis

Outlet contraction (pelvis)

653.4 Fetopelvic disproportion

Disproportion of mixed maternal and fetal origin, with normally formed fetus
Cephalopelvic disproportion NOS

653.5 Unusually large fetus causing disproportion

Disproportion of fetal origin with normally formed fetus
Fetal disproportion NOS
Excludes: when the reason for medical care was concern for the fetus (656.6)

653.6 Hydrocephalic fetus causing disproportion

Excludes when the reason for medical care was concern for the fetus (655.0)

653.7 Other fetal abnormality causing disproportion

Conjoined twins
Fetal: ascites; hydrops; myelomeningocele; sacral teratoma; tumour

653.8 Disproportion of other origin

653.9 Unspecified

654 Abnormality of organs and soft tissues of pelvis

Includes: the listed conditions during pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium

Excludes with obstructed labour (660.2)

654.0 Congenital abnormalities of uterus

Double uterus; uterus bicornis

654.1 Tumours of body of uterus

Uterine fibroids

654.2 Uterine scar from previous surgery

Previous caesarean section NOS

654.3 Retroverted and incarcerated gravid uterus

654.4 Other abnormalities in shape or position of gravid uterus and of neighbouring structures

Cystocele; pelvic floor repair; pendulous abdomen; prolapse of gravid uterus; rectocele; rigid pelvic floor

654.5 Cervical incompetence

Shirodkar suture with or without mention of cervical incompetence

654.6 Other congenital or acquired abnormality of cervix

Polyp of cervix; tumour of cervix; previous surgery to cervix

654.7 Congenital or acquired abnormality of vagina

Previous surgery to vagina; stricture of vagina; septate vagina; tumour of vagina; stenosis of vagina (acquired) (congenital)

654.8 Congenital or acquired abnormality of vulva

Fibrosis of perineum; rigid perineum; persistent hymen; tumour to vulva; previous surgery to perineum or vulva
Excludes: varicose veins of vulva (671.1)

654.9 Unspecified

655 Known or suspected fetal abnormality affecting management of mother

Includes: the listed conditions in the fetus as a reason for observation, or obstetrical care to the mother, or for termination of pregnancy

655.0 Central nervous system malformation in fetus

Fetal or suspected fetal: anencephaly, hydrocephalus; spina bifida

655.1 Chromosomal abnormality in fetus

655.2 Hereditary disease in family possibly affecting fetus

655.3 Suspected damage to fetus from viral disease in the mother

Suspected damage to fetus from maternal rubella

655.4 Suspected damage to fetus from other disease in the mother

Suspected damage to fetus from maternal: alcohol addiction; listeriosis; toxoplasmosis

655.5 Suspected damage to fetus from drugs

Excludes: fetal distress in labour and delivery due to drug administration (656.3)

655.6 Suspected damage to fetus from radiation

655.8 Other known or suspected fetal abnormality, not elsewhere classified

Suspected damage to fetus from intrauterine contraceptive device

655.9 Unspecified

656 Other fetal and placental problems affecting management of mother

656.0 Fetal-maternal haemorrhage

Leakage (microscopic) of fetal blood into maternal circulation

656.1 Rhesus isoimmunization

Anti-D [Rh] antibodies; Rh incompatibility

656.2 Isoimmunization from other and unspecified blood-group incompatibility

ABO isoimmunization

656.3 Fetal distress

Abnormal fetal: acid-base balance; heart-rate or rhythm
Fetal: acidaemia; bradycardia
Meconium in liquor

656.4 Intrauterine death

656.5 Poor fetal growth

"Light-for-dates"; "small-for-dates"; "placental insufficiency"

656.6 Excessive fetal growth


656.7 Other placental conditions

Abnormal placenta; placental infarct

656.8 Other

656.9 Unspecified

657 Polyhydramnios


658 Other problems associated with amniotic cavity and membranes

Excludes: amniotic fluid embolism (673.1)

658.0 Oligohydramnios

Oligohydramnios without mention of rupture of membranes

658.1 Premature rupture of membranes

658.2 Delayed delivery after spontaneous or unspecified rupture of membranes

658.3 Delayed delivery after artificial rupture of membranes

658.4 Infection of amniotic cavity

Amnionitis; membranitis; chorioamnionitis; placentitis

658.8 Other

658.9 Unspecified

659 Other indications for cases or intervention related to labour and delivery and not elsewhere classified

659.0 Failed mechanical induction

Failure of induction of labour by surgical or other instrumental methods

659.1 Failed medical or unspecified induction

Failed induction NOS
Failure of induction of labour by medical methods, such as oxytocic drugs

659.2 Maternal pyrexia during labour

659.3 Generalised infection during labour

Septicaemia during labour

659.4 Grand multiparity

Excludes: supervision only, in pregnancy (V23.3)
Excludes: without current pregnancy (V61.5)

659.5 Elderly primigravida

659.8 Other

659.9 Unspecified

Persons with potential health hazards related to personal and family history (V10-V19)

V14 Personal history of allergy to medicinal agents

V14.0 Penicillin

V14.1 Other antibiotic agent

V14.2 Sulfonamides

V14.3 Other anti-infective agent

V14.4 Anaesthetic agent

V14.5 Narcotic agent

V14.6 Analgesic agent

V14.7 Serum or vaccine

V14.8 Other

V14.9 Unspecified

Persons encountering health services in circumstances related to reproduction and development (V20-V28)

V23 Supervision of high risk pregnancy

V23.0 Pregnancy with history of infertility

V23.1 Pregnancy with history of trophoblastic disease

Pregnancy with history of: hydatidiform mole; vesicular mole

V23.2 Pregnancy with history of abortion

Pregnancy with history of conditions in 643.- to 638.-
Excludes: habitual aborter: care during pregnancy (646.3); without current pregnancy (629.9)

V23.3 Grand multiparity

Excludes: care in relation to labour and delivery (659.4)

V23.4 Pregnancy with other poor obstetric history

Pregnancy with history of other condition in 630 to 676.-

V23.5 Pregnancy with other poor reproductive history

Pregnancy with history stillbirth or neonatal death

V23.8 Other high risk pregnancy

V23.9 Unspecified high risk pregnancy

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