D.Y. Kim, H.Y. Chan, G. Evermann, M.J.F. Gales, D. Mrva, K.C. Sim, P.C. Woodland
March 2005
This paper describes our recent work on improving broadcast news transcription and presents details of the CU-HTK Broadcast News English (BN-E) transcription system for the DARPA/NIST Rich Transcription 2004 Speech-to-Text (RT04) evaluation. A key focus has been building a system using an order of magnitude more acoustic training data than we have previously attempted. We have also investigated a range of techniques to improve both Minimum Phone Error (MPE) training and the efficient creation of MPE-based narrow-band models. The paper describes two alternative system structures that run in under 10xRT and a further system that runs in less than 1xRT. This final system gives lower word error rates than our 2003 system that ran in 10xRT.
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