G. Evermann & P.C. Woodland
Cambridge University Engineering
Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, UK
email: {ge204,
In this paper the estimation of word posterior probabilities is discussed and their application in the CU-HTK system used in the March 2000 Hub5 Conversational Telephone Speech evaluation is described. The word lattices produced by the Viterbi decoder were used to generate confusion networks, which provide a compact representation of the most likely word hypotheses and their associated word posterior probabilities. These confusion networks were used in a number of post-processing steps. The 1-best sentence hypotheses extracted directly from the networks are shown to be significantly more accurate than the baseline decoding results. The posterior probability estimates were used as the basis for the estimation of word-level confidence scores. A new system combination technique is presented that uses these confidence scores and the confusion networks and performs better than the well-known ROVER technique.
Recently there has been renewed interest in alternatives to the sentence MAP criterion. In [10] it was argued that this criterion is only optimal with respect to minimising the sentence error rate, whereas the real optimisation aim in ASR development is usually the word error rate. A technique for explicitly minimising the word error rate was presented in [6]. This technique uses word-level posterior probabilities and relies on post-processing the word lattice generated by a Viterbi decoder.
Estimates of word-level posteriors can also be used as the basis for very accurate confidence tagging of the recognition result [1]. Previously such confidence scores for the 1-best word sequence have been used to combine the output of multiple recognition systems using the ROVER technique [2]. In this paper, a new approach that is a generalisation of the ROVER technique is presented. This new approach, unlike ROVER, takes alternative recognition hypotheses into account.
The results of experiments using word posteriors are presented in the context of the CU-HTK system used in the March 2000 Conversational Telephone Speech evaluation. In the following section a brief overview of this system is given. In section 3 an overview of word posterior probabilities and their estimation from word lattices is given. Experimental results of the application of word posteriors in an improved decoding scheme are presented in section 4. The estimation of confidence scores is discussed in section 5. Finally the new system combination scheme used in the CU-HTK evaluation system is presented in section 6.
The acoustic models used are triphone and quinphone HMMs trained on data from the Switchboard and CallHome corpora. Two different training criteria were used, namely the conventional maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) criterion and the maximum mutual information estimation (MMIE) criterion. The resulting four model sets (two each for triphones and quinphones) are used in different stages of recognition. Vocal tract length normalisation (VTLN) was used in training and testing. During recognition, maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR) based speaker/channel adaptation was performed and a full-variance transform applied.
A 4-gram language model was trained on the transcripts of the acoustic training data and additional broadcast news transcriptions. The word 4-gram was smoothed with a class-based trigram that used automatically derived classes.
The system operates in a number of different stages with more complex models being applied in later stages. The first two stages are only used to determine the gender of the speaker, select a VTLN warp factor and to generate an initial transcription for use in the MLLR adaptation. In the third stage lattices are generated using the MMIE triphones and the 4-gram language model. These lattices are then individually rescored using the four different acoustic model sets (after application of MLLR and a full-variance transform), resulting in four lattices for each utterance. The lexicon used for rescoring contained pronunciation variants with unigram probabilities. The lattices generated by these four systems (referred to as P4a, P4b, P6a and P5b in [4]) are the basis for all experiments reported in this paper. All experiments were performed on the test sets used in the September 1998 and March 2000 Hub5 evaluations (eval98 and eval00, respectively).
The estimation of word posteriors is performed in two stages. First
the link posterior probability
is estimated for each
. These probabilities are then combined to form word
posteriors for the set of links that are considered to correspond to
the same word.
The joint probability of a lattice path
(corresponding to
word sequence
) and the acoustic observations
is the product of the scores from the three models:
where is the factor that is used to scale down the
acoustic scores (contrary to normal practice in Viterbi decoding of
scaling the LM scores) because otherwise the resulting distribution
would typically be dominated by the best path. The scaling used here
results in a much ``flatter'' posterior distribution. This form of
scaling is also more appropriate from a theoretical point of view
since the main effect, that scaling attempts to compensate for, is the
underestimation of the acoustic likelihoods due to invalid
independence assumptions.
For each link , the joint probabilities of all paths through the
link (set
) are summed to yield the link posterior:
This summation can be performed efficiently using a variant of the forward-backward algorithm on the lattice.
The second step in the estimation of word posteriors is the combination of links that correspond to the same word in the utterance. This decision is non-trivial and corresponds to the problem discussed in [11] in the context of N-best lists.
The approach used in the following experiments and the final evaluation system is based on the clustering procedure introduced in the framework of ``consensual lattice post-processing'' in [6]. An alternative texhnique based on time-conditioned word posteriors was introduced in [1].
In the second stage, links corresponding to different words are clustered into confusion sets. These sets represent competing hypotheses corresponding to the same part of the utterance. The order of clustering is based on the phonetic similarity, the time overlap and the posteriors of the words. The clustering is constrained by the order of links encoded in the original lattice and is performed until the linear graph structure is achieved. A detailed description of the clustering procedure is given in [5] and an example of such a confusion network is shown in Figure 1.
Confusion networks offer a very compact representation of the most likely word hypotheses and will be used in the processing steps described in the following three sections.
In a confusion network, each word hypothesis is labelled with its word posterior probability, i.e. the sum of the link posteriors that were combined in the clustering. The sentence hypothesis found by picking the word with the highest posterior from each confusion set can be shown to have the lowest expected word error rate (according to the posterior distribution represented in the network).
The confusion network decoding technique was evaluated in the CU-HTK
Hub5 evaluation system described in section 2. For
each of the four systems (triphone/quinphone and MMIE/MLE) confusion
networks were generated and the hypothesis with the minimum expected
word error rate was found.
In Table 1 the word error rates for the confusion network decoding technique (Confnet) are compared against the baseline sentence-level MAP results (Viterbi). Confusion network decoding achieves a consistent improvement of more than 1% absolute over the baseline and as expected the sentence error rate stays constant or increases as a side effect of the minimisation of the word error rate.
A relevant detail of the lattice transformation procedure as used here is that pronunciation variants of the same word (which result in multiple links in the word lattice) are recombined. As a result the word posteriors estimated in the first stage of the above procedure do not just represent the probability of the most likely pronunciation of a word but the sum over all variants. This summation over variants is very desirable from a theoretical point of view but is difficult to implement directly in a Viterbi decoder. Therefore typically only the most likely variant is taken into account. A modification to the Viterbi decoding procedure that offers a limited version of this summation has been suggested recently in [7], but only variant hypotheses ending in the same time frame are considered and the acoustic models are constrained to ignore cross-word contexts. The confusion network framework provides a more general solution to this problem.
As the speech recogniser is not perfect it is often useful to annotate the words in the 1-best hypothesis with a measure of how certain the recogniser is in its decision. These word level confidence scores have many applications in the post-processing of the recogniser output (e.g. syntactic parsing, information extraction, etc.). For example all words with a confidence score below a threshold could be considered as unreliable and discarded. If such a scheme is used only the relative order of word hypotheses is relevant. In other applications making a hard decision is not appropriate and a confidence score is assumed to be the posterior probability that a word is correct (In this context ``correct'' refers to the result of the standard Levenshtein scoring procedure, i.e. it depends on the exact alignment procedure and the context of the reference and hypothesis word sequences.). Therefore it is important that the absolute values are in the correct range. The metric most commonly employed to asses the accuracy of a confidence scoring procedure is the normalized cross entropy (NCE).
The NCE is an information theoretic measure of how much additional
information the confidence tags provide over the trivial baseline case
of setting all scores to the (optimal) constant value
(corresponding to the ratio of correct words in the hypothesis:
, where sub and ins are the
substitution and insertion error probabilities respectively). An NCE
of zero means no additional information is contained in the confidence
scores and positive values mean they provide useful extra information.
See [8] for a more detailed discussion of this
The word posterior probabilities that result from the confusion network clustering procedure can be used directly as confidence scores but they tend to overestimate the probabilities of correct recognition. This is due to the fact that the lattices used as the basis for the posterior estimation only represent part of the posterior distribution and a significant amount of the probability mass is ``missing''. Consistent with this explanation, it was found that this effect is more pronounced in systems with higher error rates and on smaller lattices. If the system has a low overall error rate then the models are able to distinguish relatively well between the correct hypothesis and incorrect alternatives, whereas for systems with high error rates the probability mass is more evenly distributed over a large number of competing hypotheses.
To compensate for the over-estimation effect we applied a piece-wise
linear mapping to the lattice based posterior estimates to map them to
confidence scores. This mapping function is based on a decision tree
(see [1]). An alternative to this is the use of
a neural network for the mapping as suggested
in [9].
Table 2 gives the NCEs before and after the mapping. It can be seen that for the eval00 test set the unmapped posteriors perform much better than for the eval98 set. This can be explained by the fact that the system has has a much lower error rate on the eval00 set and therefore the lattices contain a larger part of the probability mass in the same number of paths.
The normalised cross entropies achieved using the lattice based estimation clearly outperform other techniques. The confidence estimation scheme used in the 1998 CU-HTK system [3] relied on an N-best homogeneity based measure and resulted in an NCE of 0.143 on the eval98 set.
The piece-wise linear mapping used is based on a small decision tree
(eight leaf nodes). Table 3 shows the average
confidence scores and the optimal constant score . The tree used
for this mapping was trained on the eval98 data. It can be seen
that the discrepancy between the average confidence score and
bigger on the (much easier) eval00 data, which implies that a
better NCE could have been achieved by using more appropriate training
data for the mapping.
A technique that has become very popular in recent years is the combination of the recognition output of multiple systems to produce a hypothesis that is more accurate than any of the original systems.
The most widely used technique is based on the ROVER program [2] and uses the 1-best word sequence from the different systems. These word sequences are aligned using a dynamic programming (DP) procedure similar to the one used in scoring recognition results. Based on this alignment a decision is made among the words aligned together. This decision can either be based on a simple voting scheme or take confidence scores into account. If simple voting is used, then very frequently ``ties'' are encountered where the same number of systems favoured two competing words. In such cases an arbitrary decision has to be made. If reliable confidence scores are available this situation is avoided and a far more accurate decision can be made.
A limitation inherent in ROVER is the restriction to the 1-best word sequences in the alignment as well as the decision procedure. Thus only words hypotheses that were chosen by one of the systems can be picked as the final result.
Alternative hypotheses can be taken into account by using confusion networks instead of word strings in the DP alignment procedure. The local scoring function used in ROVER's DP algorithm to compare two words (simple test for word equality) is replaced by a version that calculates the probability of a word match given two confusion sets. It was found that the use of alternatives and their associated posteriors improved the quality of the DP alignment significantly.
Given the alignment of the confusion networks a generalisation of ROVER's decision procedure is used. The probability of each candidate word in the composite system is calculated as the sum of the posteriors from the component systems. In this calculation a weight can be associated with each system although in practice this was found to make only a very small difference. The candidate word with the largest weighted sum of component posteriors is picked as the final system output:
The confidence score used for the final word is just the average of
the (mapped) posteriors of the component systems.
Table 4 shows results of different system
combination techniques. The four main systems used in the CU-HTK
evaluation system were used (MMIE/MLE and triphone/quinphones,
see [4] for details). The single best system was based
on the quinphone MMIE models. It can be seen that the use of
confidence scores consistently gives better performance than the
simple voting scheme. The confusion network combination (CNC)
technique presented here gave a a further small improvement over the
use of ROVER.
The improvement over the single best system achieved by ROVER are
rather disappointing especially on the eval98 test set. To investigate
the interaction between the confusion network decoding and the system
combination, the ROVER experiments were run on the word hypotheses
produced by the Viterbi decoder (i.e. without applying the confusion
network decoding).
The results in Table 5 show that the improvements due to ROVER are consistently slightly bigger for the case where no confusion network decoding was applied. Nevertheless the gains are almost additive.