Class-based language model adaptation using mixtures of word-class weights

Gareth Moore            Steve Young

Engineering Department, University of Cambridge
Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, UK


This paper describes the use of a weighted mixture of class-based n-gram language models to perform topic adaptation. By using a fixed class n-gram history and variable word-given-class probabilities we obtain large improvements in the performance of the class-based language model, giving it similar accuracy to a word n-gram model, and an associated small but statistically significant improvement when we interpolate with a word-based n-gram language model.

1 Introduction

Previously, weighted mixtures of word n-gram language models have been used to provide a topic adaptation method for large vocabulary speech recognition [3]. A disadvantage of this method, however, is that these models require large numbers of parameters per topic, which in turn necessitates a large quantity of training data for each topic and associated storage space per topic in the resulting language model. We investigate an alternative approach to topic mixtures within the n-gram paradigm by using a class-based n-gram language model with a fixed class n-gram history but varying word-given-class probabilities for each topic. By using a weighted mixture of these word probabilities with a static class history component we develop a topic-switching language model which uses only $ t.v$ parameters over and above a normal class-based n-gram language model, where $ t$ is the number of topics and $ v$ is the vocabulary size. In addition, due to the nature of the class-based language model, less training data is required per topic than in the word n-gram case thus allowing adaptation to be performed with relatively small amounts of topic-specific text.

2 Finding the Topics

A mixture of broadcast news and newswire text was used as training data for the topic model, with 144 million words of Broadcast News text and 25 million words of Los Angeles Times/Washington Post (LATWP) newswire text forming a corpus of 153,886 articles. The existing corpus article boundaries were treated as indivisible elements for the purpose of topic-finding. Article clustering was performed in an unsupervised iterative manner by repeatedly merging the two articles found to be `most similar' according to a word co-occurrence metric, until a given number of article clusters was reached. Each of these groups of articles was then treated as a distinct topic. The article clustering method employed was that used in [2], as based on [4]. Each article is initially placed in a singleton group, and then given two article groups, $ A_a$ and $ A_b$, the similarity between the two groups, $ S_{ab}$, is defined as

$\displaystyle S_{ab} = \sum_{w\,\in\,A_a\cap A_b} \frac{N_{ab}}{\vert A^w\vert} \times{} \frac{1}{\vert A_a\vert\,\vert A_b\vert}$ (1)

where $ \vert A^w\vert$ is the number of article groups that contain the word $ w$, and $ \vert A_a\vert$ is the number of distinct words in the article group $ A_a$. $ N_{ab}$ is a normalisation factor defined as

$\displaystyle N_{ab} = \sqrt{\frac{N_a + N_b}{N_a \times{} N_b}}$ (2)

where $ N_a$ is the number of articles contained within the article group $ A_a$. This normalisation factor is used to stop exceptionally large clusters from forming and dominating the rest of the clustering process. All words were considered when clustering, except for an ignored stop-list of 182 high-frequency function words obtained by manual examination of a frequency list taken from the corpus used - this was an attempt to speed up the clustering process based on the assumption that these high-frequency function words were unlikely to contribute to the distinctiveness of the topics. For similar reasons all one and two character words were ignored - this also allowed optimisation of the hashing algorithm used in the implementation of this algorithm. Too many articles were present in the initial corpus for it to be feasible to perform top-down clustering using the full set (since all possible pairs must be compared before each single merge operation), so it was first split into groups of 1000 articles - these 1000 article groups each consisted of articles which followed one another in the original corpus, meaning that the articles in each group were generally for a consecutive range of times and dates. Each of these groups was then clustered from 1000 down to 100 `topics'. This process was then repeated iteratively in a top-down manner, by using these 100 `topics' as new indivisible `articles' and grouping ten sets of them into a new initial group of 1000, until the desired number of topics resulted.

3 Building a Language Model

A word 4-gram language model was built using the Broadcast News and LATWP corpus text, supplemented with 850,000 words of Broadcast News acoustic text and 100,000 words of Marketplace acoustic text. This combined corpus, and the eras used, was chosen to match the text used to train the HTK-system language models built for the HUB-4 1997 evaluation [5] - this allows our new language model to be experimentally evaluated by rescoring the lattices originally built for this evaluation (see section 4 below). Cut-offs of 1, 3 and 3 were used for the bigram, trigram and fourgram components of the word model respectively. Three similar class-based 4-gram models were also built, for 503, 1003 and 2003 classes. The sentence start, end and unknown word tokens were kept in singleton classes. Kneser and Ney's clustering algorithm [1] was used to decide on the class members, and two iterations of it were performed for each model. The vocabulary of 65425 words from the original evaluation was used. A fixed ratio of 0.65:0.35 as used for interpolating between word and class models based on experiments performed rescoring lattices built from the HUB-4 1997 development test set.

3.1 Multiple-topic class model

Using the topic-clustering algorithm described in section 2, four differently-sized topic sets were built, consisting of 50, 100, 250 and 500 topics respectively. For each of the topics in each of these topic sets, word-given-class probabilities were calculated for each of the class model sizes using the class maps constructed using the full training set corpus. These topic-specific word probability maps were each then combined with the class history n-grams calculated using the full training set in order to form a separate language model for each topic and class size - this was in addition to the existing `overall' model already constructed for each number of classes. Given a fixed number of classes, each model is thus defined by:

 p_j(w_i) \;=\; & p(w_i \vert C(w_i), T_j) \\  ...
...w_i) \vert C(w_{i-1}),\, C(w_{i-2}),\, C(w_{i-3}))
 \end{split}\end{displaymath} (3)

where $ T_j$ is the $ j$th topic, $ C(w)$ is the class of word $ w$ and $ p_j(w_i)$ is the probability of the $ i$th word given topic $ T_j$. Note that since not all of the vocabulary words were seen in every topic, these zero occurrence words were given a notional count of one when calculating word-given-class probabilities. Other smoothing methods were tried but this was found to perform better than various discounting methods attempted. Although we could perform recognition experiments individually with each of these topic-specific models, we can construct an adaptable model by using a mixture of all the models for a given number of classes and then choosing different weights for each topic. The models were combined by linear interpolation:

 p(w_i) \;=\; & \sum_{j=0}^{t} p(w_i \vert C(w_...
...w_i) \vert C(w_{i-1}),\, C(w_{i-2}),\, C(w_{i-3}))
 \end{split}\end{displaymath} (4)

where $ \theta_j$ is the weight of topic $ j$, given that $ \sum_{j=0}^{t}\theta_j = 1$ for $ r$ topics. $ T_0$ is the overall `topic' trained on the entire training set. In order to use this model in an unsupervised manner it is necessary to devise some automatic way of determining the weights, $ \theta_j$. Various methods are possible, but in the experiments reported here they were chosen on the basis of perplexity on recently-seen or first-pass recognition text. Recognition experiments were performed by rescoring existing lattices previously built for the HUB-4 1997 evaluation - these were originally constructed using a 4-gram word model. We found the 1-best solutions from each of these lattices and calculated the perplexity of this text using each of the different topic models (as defined in equation 3) in turn. In one set of experiments the weights were then set to 0 for all topics except for the one with the lowest perplexity on the 1-best solution, which was given a weight of 1. A second set of experiments used the EM algorithm to optimise the perplexity by iteratively adjusting the weights for each topic - the iterative step was repeated until the improvement in perplexity was below 0.0001%.

4 Experiments

The full HUB-4 1997 evaluation test set was used to assess language model performance. (Footnote: This set was chosen because of the existence of a single accurate reference transcription).. Although the training text described in section 3 was chosen to try and match the original training text used to build the HTK system as closely as possible, the original primary corpora used were unavailable and different text conditioning was applied to the corpora that were used instead. (Footnote: This lead to 105 words from the original 65425-word vocabulary not being encountered in the training data. To work around this the probability mass for the unknown word token was evenly distributed amongst these 105 words and the unknown word token itself). Because of this training text mismatch the baseline 4-gram word-model lattice 1-best solution performance of 17.4% word error rate from the original evaluation rose to 17.6% when rescoring the lattices with the newly-built 4-gram word model. There were 749 lattices in total, with an average length per lattice of 43 words.

4.1 Recognition Accuracy

Experiments were run with all combinations of topic and class size, with and without use of the EM algorithm for determining the topic weights and with and without interpolation with a word 4-gram. Word accuracy was assessed using the NIST scoring tools used for the evaluation. As table 1 shows, the best recognition error rate without using any topic model, of 17.1%, was obtained by interpolating the 1003 class model with the word model. Treating this as the baseline result to improve upon, statistical significance was tested by using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test at a 5% significance level.

Classes Word Perplexity Error rate (%)
503 - 259.53 19.6
1003 - 219.77 18.5
2003 - 194.86 18.1
- $ \checkmark$ 174.84 17.6
503 $ \checkmark$ 160.54 17.3
1003 $ \checkmark$ 160.50 17.1
2003 $ \checkmark$ 161.51 17.2
Table 1: Topic Independent baseline word recognition error rates - a $ \checkmark$ in the column indicates that the class model was interpolated with a word n-gram model

When not interpolating with a word model, significant improvements were obtained in every case for all sizes of topic model given a fixed number of classes, with the 250 topic model providing the largest gains, as shown in table 2. Also in all cases the performance of the EM algorithm-found topic weights was better than the performance when using the single best-performing topic (as described at the end of section 3.1), with the EM algorithm giving larger gains as the number of topics increased, presumably due to its ability to include more than one of the more specialised topics; for the same reason the single topic selection method performed more badly as the number of topics increased. The results were less clear-cut when interpolating with the word n-gram model. The only models to obtain a statistically significant improvement were the two using 50 topics and 1003 classes, with a relative improvement of 1.2%. The models with 50 topics performed best, which was the opposite of the situation without the word models where the larger topic size of 250 was favoured. Perhaps this is because the larger local increase in the probability of low frequency words allowed by a greater number of topics often occurs in the context of a word sequence which might in itself already be well modelled by the word model. Particularly interesting is the fact that the class topic models perform as well as the word model alone - there is no statistifically significant difference between the word model performance and that of any of the 1003 and 2003 class topic models. The 50 topic and 1003 class model has about the same number of parameters as the word model, but it is far more compact to store since 25% of its 13.5 million parameters are the topic-dependent word counts as opposed to n-grams, and the range of token ids that must be stored for the n-grams is 98% less.

Word error rate (%)
Classes Topics C+1 C+EM W+1 W+EM
503 50 19.1 18.9 17.2 17.2
1003 50 18.2 18.1 16.9 16.9
2003 50 17.8 17.8 17.1 17.1
503 100 19.0 18.9 17.2 17.3
1003 100 18.1 18.0 17.0 17.0
2003 100 17.8 17.7 17.2 17.2
503 250 19.1 18.8 17.3 17.3
1003 250 18.3 17.9 17.0 16.9
2003 250 17.9 17.7 17.2 17.2
1003 500 18.3 18.0 17.0 17.0
Table 2: Topic Dependent word recognition error rates. Key: C - class model only; W - class model interpolated with word model; 1 - only single best topic used; EM - multiple topics with weights found using EM algorithm

4.2 Perplexity

Although the experiments reported here are concerned with improving recognition accuracy, it is interesting to examine perplexity figures too. Table 3 gives figures for the 503 and 1003 class models, with the perplexity calculated on the reference transcriptions. As for the lattice experiments, topic weights are only chosen on lattice/transcription segment boundaries. The 503 class results are shown since they gave the best perplexity results when interpolated with a word model, and the 1003 class perplexities are included for comparison because the best recognition results were obtained with this number of classes. The table omits the non-EM-weighted results because these are all (by definition) worse than their EM-weighted equivalent. Improvements through use of EM-chosen weights are typically around the 4-5% level for models without word-model interpolation, and around 1% for those with. Using the 1-best transcription to optimise the log-likelihood clearly biasses a conventional perplexity measurement so four separate perplexity measures are presented in table 3, which shows the performance when picking topics on both the 1-best transcription and the reference transcription, using either the current or preceding segment. The final column, therefore, gives the best possible perplexity results that can be obtained given that the topic cannot change within a segment. For the preceding segment experiments, the topic weights for the first segment were set to 1 for the `overall' model and 0 for all the topic-specific models. Setting the topic based on the previous, just-seen reference transcription represents the only `true' perplexity reported here, since it alone can be calculated without use of recognition experiments or `cheating'. This works relatively badly, however, with the largest reduction when interpolating with a word model of 2.2% obtained using the 503 class model with 50 topics, whilst the best (1003-class) model for recognition performance gives a 1.5% reduction. In addition, when topic selection is based on the previous segment the 250 topic model performs relatively badly, suggesting that the topic weights are being poorly selected since the lesser numbers of topics may be performing better simply because this increases the likelihood of choosing better weights by chance. By way of contrast, however, the perplexity values when weights are chosen on the current segment are much lower - this shows that the model described here can give large perplexity reductions if the weights are well-estimated, so clearly using the preceding segment is not very successful. The table also reveals that the weights which are computed from the lattice 1-best solutions are relatively close to the best that can be obtained, suggesting that the method of topic choice used for the recognition experiments is a good one since it is near to the best perplexity result that can be obtained - this, however, makes the assumption that the weights which obtain the best perplexity result also obtain the best recognition result, which is not guaranteed to be true. The best improvements in perplexity are obtained by the 250-topic models, in contrast to the best recognition results which were for the 50-topic models, but the differences in perplexity between the varying numbers of topics are too small to draw any firm conclusions.

4.3 Clustered topics

Examination of the weights selected by the EM algorithm suggests that the topics constructed by the clustering process are sufficiently distinct, since for each lattice the vast majority of the weights are set to zero, with just two or three topics taking over 99% of the probability mass - this was true even for the 500 topic model. This suggests that the clustering worked well, and furthermore that the tree division method did not significantly affect its performance. It is possible that the clustering method could be improved by discarding articles that do not fit any topic well, but this has not been investigated. Experiments were performed on reclustering the topics on the basis of perplexity using the topic class models, but this did not lead to any significant improvement in performance. A method of topic estimation based on scores from the clustering algorithm rather than on perplexities was also investigated, but this lead to a decrease in performance.

1-best Reference
Classes Topics W Prev Curr Prev Curr
503 50 - 254.41 220.40 252.65 216.16
503 50 $ \checkmark$ 157.47 150.71 156.98 149.36
1003 50 - 218.47 195.72 217.10 192.20
1003 50 $ \checkmark$ 158.53 152.99 158.18 151.78
503 100 - 252.01 216.86 255.54 215.25
503 100 $ \checkmark$ 157.43 149.52 157.22 148.71
1003 100 - 220.28 193.45 218.69 189.14
1003 100 $ \checkmark$ 158.56 151.98 158.16 150.47
503 250 - 263.40 215.31 261.73 209.20
503 250 $ \checkmark$ 158.00 148.52 157.44 146.53
1003 250 - 225.85 192.66 224.24 187.37
1003 250 $ \checkmark$ 158.98 151.15 158.68 149.37
1003 500 - 230.96 193.86 228.93 188.11
1003 500 $ \checkmark$ 159.77 151.32 159.30 149.37
Table 3: Language model perplexities. Key: Word model interpolated where ticked - class model only where not ticked; 1-best = lattice 1-best text used to choose topics; Reference = reference transcription used to choose topics; Prev = preceding segment used in topic estimation; Curr = current segment used in topic estimation

5 Conclusions

This paper has shown that a small but statistically significant improvement in word recognition accuracy can be obtained using a topic-dependent class-based language model with weights computed after the first pass of a multi-pass recognition strategy. The best overall results were obtained using 1003 classes and a 50 topic model with weights optimised using the EM algorithm. Using topic adaptation, a class-based model can provide equivalent performance to a word-only model whilst having a much smaller memory footprint. The form of the model also makes it feasible to perform experiments using large numbers of topics, such as the 500 used here. In addition, even with 500 topics the models remain adequately trained, which suggests that the model described here can also be used to perform topic adaptation using only small amounts of domain-specific data.


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