European Commission
Biomedicine & Health Research Programme
 | Michelle Fynes scanning at the Rosie Maternity, Addenbrookes Hospital with the SOLUS acquisition system. The clinical interface avoids the use of a keyboard or mouse by using a touch screen, a foot switch and a `virtual probe'. Visit our interactive demo to find out more.
Latest update 24/6/99 : Reslicing, segmentation tools, animations and images added
Standardisation of On-line Ultrasound Scanning in Three Dimensions
The SOLUS-3D project is focused on the development of visualisation and measurement techniques based on three dimensional diagnostic ultrasound. The coordinating centre is the Rosie Maternity Hospital in Cambridge. There are four working groups. The first two working groups are concerned with the capture, measurement and rendering of the 3D data, while the third evaluates the results in a clinical context.
We have chosen obstetrics and gynaecology as the clinical field to assess the system because it provides a unique possibility of making a large number of measurements during pregnancy; and then of validating almost all of these measurements objectively a short time later - either after a vaginal delivery, or else at/after delivery by Caesarean section.
The fourth working group is responsible for bringing together the accuracy and performance information provided by the rest of the project and generating suitable reports to contribute to the work of the international stardardisation bodies.
Co-ordinating centre:
- Cambridge University, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Division of Materno-Fetal Medicine
- Cambridge University Departs. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Radiology and Engineering (3D ultrasound research group)
- Institut fur Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (IPA-FHG), Stuttgart, Germany
- Insituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores (INESC), Lisbon, Portugal
- Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg (Universitats-Frauenklinik), Germany
- University of Edinburgh, Department of Medical Physics and Medical Engineering, Scotland
- University of Trondheim (National Center for Fetal Medicine), Norway
- Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Netherlands
Associate Partners:
- University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Catholic University of Rome, Italy
- University College, Dublin
- University of Perugia, Italy
- Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Project commencement date: May 1996
Interactive demo of the SOLUS acquisition interface - New!
Click here to see the clinical interface developed for data acquisition
at Addenbrooke's Hospital. This interactive tour allows the viewer to
get a feeling of what it is like to use the system and how easy it
can be to acquire 3D ultrasound data.
Project leader: Kevin Dalton
Web site maintainer: Jonathan Carr
Jillian Clements,
Project coordinator SOLUS-3D,
Division of Materno-Fetal Medicine,
Dept. Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University of Cambridge,
Rosie Maternity Hospital,
Addenbrookes Hospital,
Cambridge CB2 2QQ, England
Other links
The Cambridge University 3D ultrasound group
Bernard's 3D ultrasound research page
Henri Bourgoin's 3D ultrasound research page - features Dr. Bernard Benoit's obstetrical images
Ultranet - ultrasound technology links
Medical ultrasound imaging - internet resources
Medical Matrix - a guide to internet clinical medicine resources
This site was (is being!) constructed by Jonathan Carr
Copyright © SOLUS-3D 1998