The MIL Speech Seminar series schedule for the Long Vacation 2005 was as follows:
July 5th 2005 | Heiga Zen (PhD student, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) | Reformulating the HMM as a trajectory model by imposing explicit relationship between static and dynamic features | A trajectory model, derived from the HMM by imposing explicit
relationship between static and dynamic features, is developed and
evaluated. The derived model, named "trajectory-HMM", can alleviate
some limitations of the standard HMM, which are i) piece-wise constant
statistics within a state and ii) conditional independence assumption of
state output probabilities, without increasing the number of model
parameters. In this talk, a Viterbi-type training algorithm is also
derived. This model was evaluated both in speech recognition and
synthesis experiments. In speaker-dependent continuous speech
recognition experiment, the trajectory-HMM achieved error reduction over
the standard HMM. The experimental results of subjective listening
tests shows that introduction of the trajectory-HMM can improve the
quality of synthetic speech generated from HMM-based speech synthesis
system which we have proposed. |
Auguest 8th 2005 | Pascal Poupart, Assistant Professor, School of Computer > Science, University of Waterloo, Canada | A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Task Assistance for Persons with Dementia | People suffering from dementia (e.g.,
Alzheimer's disease) often have difficulty completing even simple
activities of daily living (ADL) such as toileting, dressing, eating,
taking medication, etc. Cognitive assistive technologies hold the
promise to provide people suffering from dementia with an increased
level of independence. In this talk, I will first describe a system
that guides patients with memory deficiencies through the steps of a
simple task: handwashing. The system monitors patient progress in the
task of handwashing with video-cameras and when necessary, prompts the
next step with a verbal cue. The talk will focus on how to design
effective prompting strategies that take into account the uncertainty
due to the inherent noise of the video sequence as well as the fact
that patients do not always follow the prompts. More specifically, I
will explain how to model robust prompting strategies with partially observable Markov decision processes.
In a second part of my talk, I will present a new technique for
scaling POMDP optimization algorithms in domains with continuous
observations spaces such as assistive technologies. The rich
observation spaces often produced by sensing devices such as
video-cameras, microphones or sonars pose significant problems for
standard POMDP algorithms that require explicit enumeration of the
observations. This problem is usually approached by imposing an a
priori discretisation of the observation space, which can be
sub-optimal for the decision making task. However, since only those
observations that would change the course of action need to be
distinguished, the planning task induces a lossless partitioning of
the observation space. In this talk, I will explain how to find this
partition, and how the resulting discretisation reveals the relevant
observation features of the application domain. This will be
demonstrated with the handwashing guidance task presented in the first part of the talk.
This is work done in collaboration with Jesse Hoey, Alex Mihailidis,
Jennifer Boger, Craig Boutilier and Geoff Fernie at the University of Toronto. |