The MIL Speech Seminars occur roughly every two weeks during full term and occasionally during vacations. The purpose of the seminars is to enable researchers in various fields to present recent work that has potential benefits for speech technology.
The MIL Speech Seminar series schedule for Michaelmas Term was:
16th November 2004 | Do Yeong Kim (MIL RA) | Recent Developments at Cambridge in Broadcast News Transcription | This seminar will present recent work on improving broadcast news
transcription along with details of the CU-HTK Broadcast News
English (BN-E) transcription systems for the DARPA/NIST Rich
Transcription 2004 Speech-to-Text (RT04) evaluation. A key focus has been
building a system using an order of magnitude more acoustic training data
than we have previously attempted. A range of techniques to improve both
Minimum Phone Error (MPE) training and the efficient creation of MPE-based
narrow-band models have been explored. Two systems were built for under
10xRT condition in the RT04 evaluation. The primary system uses dual
segmentations and combination, while the constrast system is based on
conventional multi-pass and multi-branch structure. An interesting 1xRT
system that ourperformed our RT03 10xRT system will also be
discussed. |
If you are interested in giving a seminar presentation or if you would like more information about the seminar series please contact Marcus Tomalin