GUI configuration

This dialog allows you to customize the behaviour of the GUI.

The middle and right button overrides can be used to temporarily select any of Stradwin's tools when you depress the appropriate mouse button. Releasing the button returns the tool selection to its original state.

The "Mouse selection range" slider determines how close the mouse needs to be to any object in order to select it. If you want to point less precisely, set this to a larger value, but not so large that you find yourself selecting objects you do not wish to select!

The "Cursor rotation" slider determines by how many degrees the 3D window or reslice will rotate when the cursor keys are used.

The "Cursor move" slider determines by how many pixels the image or ortho windows will move when the cursor keys are used.

The "Scroll zoom" slider determines by what percentage the zoom will increase or decrease when the mouse scroll-wheel is used in any of the image or 3D windows.

The "Graphics font" selection allows you to change both the font used in the graphics windows, and also the size of some graphics objects, for instance the dots at contour points and landmarks.

The "Icon size" selection allows you to select the size of all the icons. If set to "auto", then the icon size will be determined by the size of the screen.

Finally, selecting "Expert mode" suppresses some of Stradwin's warnings and checks: Stradwin will then just do some things without asking "Are you really sure?"

All these settings are saved in your personal configuration file ("stradwin.ini") so there is no need to reset them every time you launch Stradwin.