Abstract for woodland_lvcsr01

LVCSR Hub5 Workshop 2001, Linthicum Heights


P.C. Woodland, T. Hain, G. Evermann, D. Povey

May 2001

This paper describes the Cambridge University HTK (CU-HTK) system developed for the NIST March 2001 evaluation of English conversational telephone speech transcription (Hub5E). A number of new features were integrated into the system and described in detail. Also some experiments on data recorded over a cellular network are presented. The major new features are improved MMIE training and the use of lattice-based MLLR adaptation. Results are presented for the 2001 development and evaluation test sets. In the March 2001 Hub5 evaluation the CU-HTK system achieved an overall word error rate of 24.6%, which was the lowest word error rate by a statistically significant margin.

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