The 'Windows for 2D' option changes the data windows to give a very large 2D window and minimal size other windows, appropriate for visualising 2D data. The 'Windows for 3D' option sets the 2D and 3D display windows to the same size, appropriate for 3D data. Alternatively, 'Set 3D window size' can be used to explicitly set the 3D window to a particular size, for instance '1920 x 1080' for Full HD output.
The next items enable you to change the layout of the application window in some versions of Stradview. The task pages and visualisation pages are the parts of the window that can be moved. There are three possible arrangements:
When Stradview starts up on a small screen (for example 1024x768), layout (1) is the default. For larger screens, layout (3) is the default.
The View Settings controls allow changes to the size of icons and text and the appearance of scrollbars in some windows.