GUI Menu

The 'Windows for 2D' option changes the data windows to give a very large 2D window and minimal size other windows, appropriate for visualising 2D data. The 'Windows for 3D' option sets the 2D and 3D display windows to the same size, appropriate for 3D data.

The 'Window colour' option allows you to define what colour you wish to use for the background (non-data) parts of any of the data windows. The default is dark grey, but this can be set to any other colour: for instance you can set it to white if you want to print screenshots of any of the windows.

The next items enable you to change the layout of the application window in some versions of Stradwin. The task pages and visualisation pages are the parts of the window that can be moved. There are three possible arrangements.

  1. Both the task pages and the visualisation pages on the left of the application window, with the task pages above the visualisation pages.
  2. Both the task pages and the visualisation pages on the right of the application window, with the task pages above the visualisation pages.
  3. The task pages on the left of the application window and the visualisation pages on the right.

When Stradwin starts up on a small screen (for example 1024x768), layout (1) is the default. For larger screens, layout (3) is the default.


These controls allow changes to the way the mouse buttons and various other GUI options work, described here.

Config mode and protected mode

In protected mode many of the tools and configuration controls are disabled and the user is only permitted to acquire 3D data, segment out a structure of interest and export the outline of the segmented structure in planes parallel to the isocentre coordinate system. It is assumed that all the required setting up and configuration of the system has already been performed.

All configuration and calibration must be performed in 'config mode'. In this mode, all the facilities of Stradwin are enabled. The layout menu provides an option for changing mode. While in protected mode, the menu displays the option 'Enable config mode'. While in config mode, the menu displays the option 'Start protected mode'.

A password is required to change mode. The final option on the menu enables this password to be changed. The password is stored in plain text in the stradwin.ini file. It is thus a very low security password designed to make people aware of the responsibility of entering config mode. Do not use a password for config mode that is the same as a password you use in any other context.

By default, Stradwin starts up in config mode.