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: Proc. ICASSP, Vol I. pp. 1013--1016, (Toulouse, France, May 2006)
Who Really Spoke When?
Finding Speaker Turns and Identities in Broadcast News Audio
Automatic speaker segmentation and clustering methods have improved
over the last few years in the Broadcast News domain. However, these generally
still produce locally consistent relative labels (such as spkr1, spkr2) rather
than true speaker identities (such as Bill Clinton, Ted Koppel). This paper
presents a system
which attempts to find these true identities from the text transcription of the
audio using lexical pattern matching, and shows the effect on performance
when using state-of-the-art speaker clustering and speech-to-text transcription
systems instead of manual references.
With the increase in availability of audio archives, efficient
indexing, retrieval and displaying of audio data is becoming very
important. Recent work in speaker diarisation[1]
has addressed the issue of finding speaker turns and relative labels
for the so-called 'who spoke when' task. This potentially helps a
number of processes both automatic (such as for speaker adaptation in
speech transcription) and human (such as improving the readability of
transcripts of multi-speaker conversations). However, requiring
only relative speaker labels, such as 'spkr1' rather than the
true speaker identities, such as 'Bill Clinton' restricts the use of the
technology for some real-world applications, such as locating
particular speakers in databases, tracking speakers across multiple
audio documents or broadcasts, or finding which people support which
views in multi-speaker debates. This work considers an extension to
the 'who spoke when' task to require an exact string match of the
first name and surname of the speaker, which we call 'who really spoke
In this work we consider US Broadcast News shows taken from the Hub-4
and Rich Transcription (RT) evaluation framework [2].
Several methods can be employed to try to ascertain the true identity
of the speakers within a particular Broadcast News show. For example,
speaker models can be built for people who are likely to be in the
broadcast (such as prominent politicians or main news anchors and
reporters). These models could then be included within standard
speaker clustering stages or by using a dedicated speaker tracking
system [3]. However, this method relies on
previously seen examples of the test speakers, which is not generally
available for most speakers in the news. In contrast, the work
presented here focuses
on a linguistic approach, first introduced in [4],
which extracts speaker identities from transcriptions of the audio,
by looking for common N-grams which predict the
previous, current or next speaker name. Examples include 'Thanks John
Simpson in Baghdad', 'Good Morning, I'm Ted Koppel' and 'Whitehouse
correspondent Dan Smith has this report'. This paper aims to extend
the previous work reported in [4, 5] to
allow the whole process, including the rule generation phase, to be
performed automatically from a given corpus.
The paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 gives an
overview of the system, section 3 describes how the
lexical predictive rules are generated and applied and section
4 describes how the experiments were conducted. Methods
of measuring performance are discussed in section 5 and
results are given in section 6. Finally conclusions
are offered in section 7.
The main parts of the system are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: System Architecture
The training data contains manual transcriptions of both what was
said and the speaker information, the latter being a full name
such as 'Ted Koppel' if known, or a relative label such as 'spkr1' if
unknown. Instances of the known speaker names within the reference transcript
of the particular broadcast are then extracted automatically and the
N-gram contexts around these names are found. Each N-gram is treated as
a rule to predict the true speaker identity and an automatically
derived probability of success for each rule is generated from the
training data. Further details are given in section 3.1.
Rules with probability over a certain threshold are run
simultaneously on the test data. The scores are combined (as discussed
in section 3.2) and the speaker name with the highest score
for any particular relative speaker/cluster is assigned. It is also possible
to state that the true speaker name is not known if the score is below
a certain threshold, to reduce the number of false alarms where a name is given
spuriously. Both word-based and category-based systems can be used,
simply by mapping certain groups of words to categories if required,
as described in section 3.3.
The lexical rules used to predict the previous, current or next speaker
are essentially N-gram sequences learned from the training data and assigned
a probability of being correct.
When a speaker name appears in the training data transcription, and matches
the previous, current, or next speaker identity, the N-gram context around this
name is stored. In these experiments we use up to 5-grams with the
preceding words, subsequent words and words including the name. The
example below shows the three tri-grams generated when a speaker
identity occurs mid-sentence.
[In this work we
consider only multiple-word
names, such as John Simpson, and not single word names such as in
'over to you John'. This removes the issues surrounding
how to score partial name matches.]
This is John Simpson reporting from Baghdad ->
{ This is [name] }
{ is [name] reporting } 3-grams
{ [name] reporting from }
Each N-gram that occurs for a certain speaker position (previous,
current, next) more than a certain number of times is then considered
as a predictive rule. Our experiments set this threshold at 5
occurrences, purely to reduce the number of rules in total and
increase the chance that they generalise. The remaining rules are then
run over the training data and the number of times that they correctly
predict the speaker name is divided by the number of times that they
fire to give a probability that the rule correctly predicts the
speaker name given that it has fired.
Rules whose probability exceeds a threshold are then
applied to the test data. By changing this probability threshold a
range of different performances can be obtained which can cover
different types of potential application, rather than choosing a single
operating point.
The number of rules generated from the training data for the different
cases with a probability cut-off of 0.5 are given in Table 1
N-gram | Prev-spkr | This-spkr | Next-spkr | TOTAL |
2-gram | 13 | 25 | 54 | 92 |
3-gram | 27 | 137 | 129 | 293 |
4-gram | 16 | 124 | 49 | 189 |
5-gram | 9 | 67 | 14 | 90 |
TOTAL | 65 | 353 | 246 | 664 |
Table 1: Number of rules generated from the training data to predict the
real speaker name, when using a frequency cut-off of 5 and a
probability cut-off of 0.5
All the chosen rules are run on the test-data simultaneously.
When a rule with probability
is fired to suggest name
for a certain relative speaker cluster
, the score for the hypothesis
is increased. When multiple rules support the same
hypothesis their probabilities are combined using the formula:
p1+2 = 1 - (1 - p1) (1 - p2)
This is effectively the complement of the probability both rules
are wrong given that they both fire and are independent.
Other possibilities for combination, such as using Bayes' rule
and looking at the evidence for the possible speaker names given the
rules that have fired, or assuming that a rule firing for
should also negatively effect other postulated names
n2... ,
are not considered here.
A back-off system is used to stop duplicative rules being used
in the same scenario, so for example if the rules were:
- THIS-SPKR [name] reporting (p=0.7)
- NEXT-SPKR [name] reporting (p=0.3)
- NEXT-SPKR [name] reporting next (p=0.9)
then rule-1 and rule-3 would fire for the test set
utterance 'John Simpson reporting next from
Baghdad' but rule-2 would not, since it is a shorter
N-gram within the same NEXT-SPKR scenario.
The test set utterance 'John Simpson reporting from
Baghdad <ENDOFSPKR>' however, would see only rules 1 and 2 fire.
It may be argued that once an N-gram has been seen, any rule
containing an M-gram such that M<N should not fire, irrespective of
whether it is predicting the previous, current, or next speaker; but
we restrict the use of back-off to preventing multiple rules
over-inflating the score of a particular prediction.
It is hoped that the use of combining scores from
multiple rules simultaneously will help alleviate the problems from
ambiguous cases, as in the example above, where certain N-grams can
predict conflicting speaker positions. This is especially true if
multiple triggers for the same speaker name exists within the broadcast.
It is possible in this framework to add additional blocking rules,
which stop a rule firing if a certain context is also true. This
can be very helpful when the number of rules is small, hand-chosen and
they are fired sequentially, as is done in [4], but
becomes more complex when thousands of automatically determined rules
are being considered simultaneously as in this system. Blocking rules
therefore are left for future work within this framework.
The system described so far works on the words in the transcription,
but the generalisation to unseen data may be better using categories.
For example, {[name] <SHOWNAME> <PLACE>} may be a more
powerful predictor than just {[name] BBC News Washington}. We
use classes similar to those used in [4], namely
PERSON'S, SHOW, SHOW'S and TITLE. The constituents of these classes
are extracted from the training data, with some manual additions and
filtering, and from some additional information sources such as from
Gazetteers or Census information. There is no restriction on the
length of the class members and many are phrases rather than single
words. The number of types and tokens of
each of these classes in the training data is given in
Table 2.
Class | # Types | # Tokens |
GOODBYE | 6 | 58 |
HELLO | 36 | 2204 |
OKAY | 4 | 890 |
THANKS | 9 | 1317 |
LOCATION | 4398 | 23732 |
PERSON | 8353 | 37715 |
PERSON'S | 9272 | 2399 |
SHOW | 75 | 3924 |
SHOW'S | 94 | 1166 |
TITLE | 267 | 22306 |
Table 2: Number of different words in each category (types) and the
number of instances of these words in the training data (tokens).
The training data used for this task consisted of the Hub-4 1996/7
broadcast news training data. This is approximately 70 hours of audio,
containing 288 different episodes, around half of which were marked up
with named-entities. All the data had reference transcriptions and
reference speaker identities (where known) or labels (where unknown)
marked, and some additional corrections of known mismatches between
transcribed speaker identities and their transcriptions in the text
had been made.[ These corrections produced at Cambridge
University are available from the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC).]
Two evaluation sets have been used. The first, dev04,
is the 12 shows used for development in the RT-04 diarisation
evaluation [2]. Half these shows were originally broadcast in
Nov/Dec 2003, and the other half in February 2001. The second set,
denoted eval04, is the RT-04 diarisation evaluation data, and
consists of 12 shows broadcast in December 2003.
For the experiments reported in this paper, we assume all the
multi-word speaker identities are available in the PERSON category list.
This is trivial for the training data, but can also be a reasonable
approximation for unseen data if a high-quality automatic named-entity
(NE) extraction system, such as BBN's Identifinder[6],
is used to append
potential speaker names from the transcripts onto the existing PERSON
list before tagging the data. The effect of introducing automatic NE
tagging into this system is left for future work.
Automatically generated transcriptions, using the Cambridge RT-04 STT
evaluation system[7] and speaker segmentation/clustering,
using the
Cambridge March 2005 diarisation system[8] were also used
on the eval04 data. Both systems offer state-of-the-art
performance, with a WER of 12.6% and DER of 6.9% respectively.
Firstly we consider the upper limit on performance using this
technique. This is found by looking at the three possible scenarios
for the reference speakers, namely
- Available (A)
- The reference speaker identity is provided and
appears as a text string in the reference transcription for
that episode.
- Not Available (N)
- The reference speaker identity is provided but
does not appear
as a text string in the reference transcription for that
episode. This can be due to a number of reasons, for example show
announcers whose names are known from other episodes,
the use of synonyms requiring world knowledge (the president = Bill
Clinton), or further text processing (John Smith and his wife Judy =
Judy Smith)
or if the speaker is so famous their voice is supposedly known 'by everyone'.
- Unnamed (U)
- The reference speaker true identity is not provided.
The results on the reference transcripts
are given in
Table 3 for the different data sets.
The amount of data for which the speaker name is accessible directly
from the text remains around 78%. The shift from Unnamed to
Not-available when moving away from the training data is mostly due
to more cross-show name identification being used during
the manual annotation of the dev04 and eval04
data. The
eval04 data is clearly harder as the
unrecoverable N data is over 3 times higher than for the training data.
Using automatic transcriptions increases this by a further factor of 3
to 42.5% of the data. This is mostly due to transcription errors of
the speaker names. (These 'errors' are often harsh.
For example, 'Stephen Roach' is not an exact string match of 'Steven
Roche', so is scored as an error, even though it represents
the same name as the reference speaker.)
Data | A | N | U | Total | Number of |
| | | | Time (h) | Instances |
Training | 79.3% | 4.0% | 16.8% | 148.2 | 6912 |
dev04 | 78.2% | 8.8% | 13.0% | 4.3 | 195 |
eval04 | 76.8% | 12.9% | 10.3% | 4.2 | 206 |
eval04-asr | 47.3% | 42.5% | 10.3% | 4.2 | 138 |
Table 3: % of data which is Available (A), Not-available (N) and
Unnamed (U) in the reference transcripts.
This gives an upper bound on performance using this technique,
since the N names are unrecoverable. The numbers when
using automatic transcriptions on the eval04 data (eval04-asr) are also given.
All capitalisation, named-entity tags and punctuation mark up was
removed from the training data before processing. The simple category
tagging as described in section 3.3 was (optionally) applied
and the rules and their associated probabilities were obtained as
described in section 3.1.
The filtered rules were then run simultaneously as described in
section 3.2. For each relative speaker cluster, the final
name was chosen to be the name with the highest score over all its
segments so long as this exceeded a certain threshold (initially set
to 0). For scoring the possible scenarios are
- Correct
- The system speaker and reference speaker identities match.
- Substitution
- The system speaker and reference speaker identities
do not match exactly.
- Insertion
- The system gives a speaker identity but the reference
speaker is unnamed.
- Deletion
- The system does not give a speaker identity but there is a
reference speaker identity.
- Un-corr
- Both system and reference do not give a speaker identity.
The definitions are all time-weighted and when using automatic
diarisation the insertion and deletion components may also contain
errors due to false-alarms or misses in the speech detection phase
of the segmentation.
It is possible to define an error rate to be analogous with the
traditional word error rate, namely:
SER = (S + D + I) / N = (S + D + I) / ( C + S + I + D + U )
but the deletion term tends to dominate
and in most practical systems
we expect insertion and substitution errors to be more important to
the end-user. It is possible to address this issue by assigning a
small weight to the deletion term, such as 0.1, but instead we
consider the problem from another angle. By thinking of the task
as that of finding the labelled target speakers, we can define
precision and recall-like measures:

By varying the probability threshold when selecting rules, an operating
curve using the precision-recall measures can be formed, as in
Figure 2.
Since many relative speaker labels may be mapped to the same speaker identity,
the segment groupings will change and the resulting new DER can also
be used to assess performance.
The results on the reference training data, illustrated in
Figure 2,
shows little difference between the category and
word-based approaches with over 60% of the data being given the
correct speaker identity at a precision of 95%.
The experiment was repeated using the reference transcripts on
dev04 and eval04, neither of which
had been used in the rule or probability generation stages.
The results, given in Figure 2, show
different properties for the two data sets. For dev04 the overall
performance is very similar to the training data with little
difference between the word and category based approaches
and a recall around 60% at 95% precision. The eval04
results however, show a marked drop in performance, with a recall of
33% with words and 38% with categories at 95% precision, whilst the
best observed recall falls from 82% to 63%.
This confirms the observation in section 5.1 that
eval04 is harder, and suggests dev04
more closely matches the training data.
Figure 2: Results using word and category rules on the training data,
dev04 and eval04 with the reference transcripts.
[Lines are cat train; word train; cat dev04; word dev04; cat eval04; word eval04]
The results from using the automatic transcripts and additional
diarisation output instead of the reference information are shown in
Figure 3 and Table 4 on eval04.
Although introducing the automatic transcripts does not really affect
the recall at high precisions (where practical systems would most
likely operate), it does reduce the best observed recall
from around 63% to 43%. This reflects the huge increase in
unrecoverable N data caused by transcription errors of the speaker
names as discussed in section 5.1.
Using automatic diarisation output reduces the recall scores by around
8% which is similar to the 6.9% DER of the diarisation output.
After running this system with a probability
threshold of ≥ 0.8 the DER is reduced to 6.76% (a
1.7% relative gain) confirming the ability of this technique to
improve acoustic speaker clustering.
Data | Trans | Seg | Max Recall |
Recall @ 95% P |
| | | cat | word | cat | word |
train | ref | ref | 82% | 82% | 63% | 62% |
dev04 | ref | ref | 83% | 80% | 57% | 60% |
eval04 | ref | ref | 64% | 61% | 38% | 33% |
eval04 | auto | ref | 44% | 42% | 38% | 31% |
eval04 | auto | auto | 38% | 34% | 26% | 23% |
Table 4: Summary of results for all three data sets. The best recall
obtained and the recall at 95% precision are presented.
Figure 3: The effect of using automatic transcription (asr) and diarisation
output (aseg) on the eval04 data.
[ Lines are cat ref; word ref; cat+asr; word+asr; cat+asr+aseg; word+asr+aseg ]
This paper has described a system to automatically learn linguistic
rules to predict speaker
identities and shown how to apply these on unseen data. Despite using
a very strict scoring metric, results showed around 60% of the data on
an unseen test set can be correctly labelled with the speaker identity at 95%
precision. Results on a second test set showed that using automatic
transcriptions did not adversely affect the recall at 95% precision,
where real systems would most likely operate; and introducing
automatic speaker diarisation reduced the recall by
around the error rate of the diarisation itself, whilst simultaneously
improving the latter.
This method can often pick out complementary speakers to
acoustic approaches using known
speaker models (well-known speakers do not need an introduction,
whereas unseen speakers are introduced linguistically)
and future work will consider integrating both methods.
- 1
S. E. Tranter and D. A. Reynolds,
An Overview of Automatic Speaker Diarisation Systems,
IEEE Trans. on Speech & Audio Proc. Special Issue on Rich
Transcription, Vol 14, Number 5, pp. 1557-1565, September 2006
- 2
Fall 2004 Rich Transcription (RT-04F) Evaluation Plan,
http://www.nist.gov/speech/tests/rt/rt2004/fall/docs/rt04f-eval-plan-v14.pdf, August 2004.
- 3
D. Moraru, L. Besacier, and E. Castelli,
Using A-Priori Information for Speaker Diarization,
in Proc. Odyssey Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop,
Toledo, Spain, May 2004.
- 4
L. Canseco-Rodriguez, L. Lamel, and J.-L. Gauvain,
Speaker Diarization from Speech Transcripts,
in Proc. ICSLP, Jeju Island, Korea, October 2004, pp.
- 5
L. Canseco-Rodriguez, L. Lamel, and J.-L. Gauvain,
A Comparative Study Using Manual and Automatic
Transcriptions for Diarization,
in Proc. ASRU, Cancun, Mexico, Nov 2005.
- 6
D. M. Bikel, R. Schwartz, and R. M. Weischedel,
An Algorithm that Learns What's in a Name,
Machine Learning (Special Issue on NLP), 1999.
- 7
D. Y. Kim, H. Y. Chan, G. Evermann, M. J. F. Gales, D. Mrva, K. C. Sim, and
P. C. Woodland,
Development of the CU-HTK 2004 Broadcast News Transcription
in Proc. ICASSP, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005, vol. 1, pp.
- 8
R. Sinha, S. E. Tranter, M. J. F. Gales, and P. C. Woodland
Cambridge University March 2005 Speaker Diarisation System
in Proc. Eurospeech, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept 2005.