
At the top of the Stradview application there is a row of menus then a row of tool buttons. At the bottom, there is a slider which can be used to scroll through the individual frames of a data set.

Below the slider are three message panels. The left hand panel gives transitory information about what some menu items and controls do. The middle panel gives system messages about what Stradview is doing. The right panel contains the current data file name (.sw), and the path to the folder in which that file is located.

The images are displayed in a central section of the Stradview application with a user-configurable background colour. The top half of this section is divided in two, with the image window on the left and the 3D window on the right. The images can be zoomed to any level, using an interpolation technique appropriate to the amount of zoom.

The 3D window shows the location of everything in 3D space. Each frame is depicted as a soccer goal-post shape, with the top of the image at the crossbar. The current frame, as selected by the frame slider, is shown in red and the other frames are shown in white.

The bottom half of the central image display area can either be divided into two to show two orthogonal reslices, or used as a single large window displaying other information.

There are two further panels in the application called the tasks window and the visualisation window. If your screen is less than 1280 pixels wide, these will both be displayed one above the other down the left side of the application (and in addition Stradview will use a smaller icon set). For larger screens, the default layout places the task window down the left of the application and the visualisation window down the right. It is possible to change the default layout of these two windows using the view menu.

The 3D window can display segmentation contours, landmarks, and surface and volume-based visualisations in three dimensions. The combination of task page and visualisation page that you have selected (and also the display tools on the toolbar) determine exactly which things are displayed at any instance.

The relative sizes of each of these windows can be changed at any time by dragging the bars which separate them.