Using Stradview

The windows

The Stradview application comprises several windows containing controls and visualisation tools. The basic idea is that you choose a task page appropriate for the job that you need to do. Task pages contain collections of tools and controls focused on performing particular analysis tasks. A list of the task pages available is given below.

The toolbar

The toolbar contains tools for displaying data, rotating the 3D window, selecting an image sub-region, making measurements, placing landmarks, drawing segmentation contours, changing the scale of the image windows and determining what images, landmarks and contours/surfaces are shown in the 3D window.

The tasks

The tasks window contains pages for drawing segmentation contours, segmentation by fitting a shape model, manipulating landmarks, measuring cortical thickness from CT data, and managing and running scripts. It is also possible to correct for probe contact pressure and make certain spine-related measurements, but these tasks are disabled by default.


The visualisation window contains pages for controlling two orthogonal reslices, a single reslice at any angle, a volume rendering of the data, and a page for visualising cortical thickness estimates from CT data. There is also a single reslice oriented to highlight contact pressure artefacts, and one to show spine measurements, but these visualisations are disabled by default.

The menus

There are menus for loading, saving and exporting data, undo/redo-ing, and mouse and cursor input, changing window distribution and size, configuring data location, display or graphics settings, selecting the current task, selecting the current visualisation and displaying documentation.

DICOM and other data

Stradview can directly load, visualise and segment most types of DICOM data, image sequences and other formats. High quality surface models created from this data can be exported or turned into movies using scripts. It can also be used to measure cortical thickness from such data.