
Stradview is software for the visualisation and analysis of 3D imaging data. It can load most types of DICOM data, image sequences and other data formats and also export data and export surfaces in original and re-oriented formats. It can produce very high quality surface models and surface and volume-based visualisations which can also be turned into movies using scripts. It can also be used for cortical thickness mapping from DICOM CT data.

Stradview was initially developed from Stradwin, which was a tool for ultrasound video and position sensor recording as well as data visualisation.

Stradview is a research tool. You use it at your own risk. It is actively supported and developed, but it may not always work exactly as documented.

Starting Stradview. This page shows how to install Stradview and some details of starting the application.

Stradview How-Tos. This page contains brief guides showing how best to perform some of the most common operations using Stradview.

Using Stradview. This page and the sub-pages below it introduce the different parts of Stradview and what they can be used for. The basic tasks and visualisations that can be performed are described.

Stradwin files. This page contains information on the native file format for storing data and parameter information, which was based on the Stradwin format. It also contains details of the coordinate system used to define the 3D location of the data.

Stradview was developed from Stradwin, which was originally written by Graham Treece, Andrew Gee and Richard Prager ( of the Medical Imaging group at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK. Most of the development of Stradwin, and all of the creation of Stradview, was by Graham Treece. I am always keen to hear about use of the system at other institutions. If you find Stradview useful or would like to suggest improvements, please let me know. If you are using it commercially, please see the licensing details, and if you use it for your research, please cite the appropriate paper.